Cost Estimation
The **Cost Estimation ** helps users estimate the total cost of resources across various service categories, such as compute, storage, and networking. This tool is essential for understanding and managing resource costs effectively.
1. Accessing Cost Estimation
Login into the admin portal.
Navigate to the left-side menu on the dashboard.
Click on "Add-ons".
Under Addon Services, find the Cost Estimation tool.
If the feature is enabled, click on Configure to begin managing the tool. If it’s not enabled, turn the feature on.

2. Enabling Cost Estimation
Navigate to the Cost Estimation page.
At the top of the page, toggle "Enable Cost estimation" to Yes.
Click Update to confirm the change.

You can now begin adding service categories and items for cost estimation.
3. Managing Service Categories
The Cost Estimation tool allows you to manage service categories. Categories such as Compute, Storage, and Network can be added or edited according to the organization’s needs.
1. Add Category :
On the Cost Estimation page, under Service Category, click the Add Category button.
Fill in the Category Name field.
Click Submit to save the new category.

2. Add Item :
Click Add Item.
Choose the Type (e.g., Instance) and select the Category under which the item will fall.
Fill in the Name and provide a brief Description.
Click Submit to save the new item.

4. Updating Service Categories
Once categories and items are added, you can:
Edit: Click on the edit icon (pencil) next to a service category or item.
Delete: Click the delete icon (trash can) to remove a category or item.
Rearrange Order: Use the up and down arrows to rearrange the order of categories or items within the list.

5. Updating Theme Settings for Cost Estimation
Login into the admin Portal.
After logging in, locate the Configuration menu on the main navigation bar.
Under the Configuration menu, click on My Organization. This section contains settings and customization options specific to your organization's branding and user interface.
Within the My Organization menu, locate and click on Theme Settings. This area allows you to customize the appearance of the user interface, including themes, colors, logos, and navigation links.

In the Theme Settings, find the section labeled Add Header Links. This section allows you to create custom links that will appear in the header of the user panel.
Enter the internal name for the header link. For example, type Cost Estimation in this field. This name is used to identify the link within the admin portal configuration.
Enter the name that will be displayed to users in the navigation bar. This should also be Cost Estimation to match the Header Name, or any other user-friendly name that you want users to see.
Enter the URL path that this link will point to. This should be the relative URL path on your site. For example, if you have a Cost Estimation page, you might use /cost-estimation as the URL.
Note: Make sure the Header URL is the exact path where the page is accessible. It must match the destination URL exactly to avoid navigation issues.
- Check the Before Login box if you want this link to be visible to users before they log in. Enabling this option will ensure that users can see the Cost Estimation link even if they have not logged into the portal.

Once all the fields are completed with the correct information, click the Update button to save the configuration. This action will apply the new header link settings to the user panel.
After successfully saving the changes, navigate to the user panel to verify that the Cost Estimation link has been added to the navigation header.

6. Offering Category
In order to show all of the services that are available in your CMP, please ensure that you have created an offering category.
This step can be skipped if the offering category are liked with your current resources.
To create an offering category if you are a new customer, click the URL below.