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Host Actions

The Host Actions in the Admin Portal provide system administrators with the ability to manage and perform specific actions on cloud infrastructure hosts within a Cloud Management Platform (CMP) environment. These actions help ensure that hosts are properly configured, maintained, and optimized for performance, availability, and resource management. Hosts are physical machines that provide computing resources for virtual machines (VMs) in the cloud.

Admins have access to several key operations related to hosts, including enabling/disabling hosts, managing maintenance mode, reconnecting hosts, and viewing host information.

1. Enable/Disable Host :

  • Enabling or disabling a host allows the admin to control whether the host is available for running virtual machines (VMs) and workloads.
  • When a host is enabled, it becomes available to handle workloads, and virtual machines can be deployed or migrated to that host.

  • Disabling a host prevents it from accepting new workloads. However, the VMs running on the host may still continue until they are stopped or migrated.

2. Host Reconnect :

  • The Host Reconnect action allows the admin to manually reconnect a host to the cloud management system if the connection has been lost or interrupted.

3. Enable/Disable Maintenance Mode :

  • Maintenance mode is used to prepare a host for maintenance tasks, such as hardware or software upgrades, without affecting running virtual machines.

4. Dedicate Host :

  • The Dedicate Host action allows the admin to assign a host exclusively to a specific organization or set of users. This feature ensures that the host's resources are reserved only for those users, providing better performance, security, or compliance.

5. Host Info :

  • The Host Info option allows the admin to view detailed information about a specific host, including its hardware specifications, resource usage, and other critical metrics.