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The Config & Settings section in the Admin Portal offers comprehensive management capabilities for integrating cloud infrastructure, setting up system configurations, customizing the user interface, managing organizational details, and handling notifications. This section allows administrators to synchronize cloud resources, manage staff, configure settings for payments and security, and set up notifications.

Cloudstack Settings:

ACS Discovery :

  • Purpose: ACS Discovery refers to Apache CloudStack Discovery, which synchronizes the resources from the CloudStack environment with the Cloud Management Platform (CMP) portal.

  • Functionality: This feature discovers and imports all available resources (such as virtual machines, networks, and storage volumes) from CloudStack to the CMP portal, ensuring that the platform is up-to-date with the cloud environment. Admins can then monitor, manage, and control these resources efficiently from the CMP.

Zone Configuration:

  • Purpose: A Zone in CloudStack represents a physical data center that contains compute resources (such as hosts and storage).
  • Functionality: The Zone Configuration option allows admins manage the zones based on business needs. Admins can allocate resources to users based on the zone, ensuring proper resource distribution.


  • Purpose: Hosts refer to the physical servers that provide compute resources in CloudStack.

  • Functionality: Admins can manage individual hosts, track their health and resource usage, and ensure that the necessary compute resources are available to customers. Hosts can be managed depending on the zone and infrastructure needs.

CMP Configuration:

Feature Configuration:

  • Purpose: The Feature Configuration allows the administrator to enable or disable specific features in the Cloud Management Platform.

  • Functionality: Admins can customize which features are available to users, based on their organization’s needs. For example, admins may choose to enable billing, notifications, or disable other features that are not relevant to their user base.

Recent Feature:

  • Purpose: This section highlights new or recently updated features available in the CMP.

  • Functionality: Admins can review the latest feature additions and updates, enabling them to take advantage of improvements in the system to enhance user experience or streamline operations.

Payment Gateway Configuration:

  • Purpose: This section allows admins to configure payment gateways to process customer payments for cloud resources.

  • Functionality: Admins can integrate with third-party payment gateways (such as PayPal, Stripe, or others) and configure the payment methods (e.g., credit cards, direct bank transfers). They can also set up payment rules, define currency formats, and automate billing for customers.

Maintenance Event:

  • Purpose: Maintenance events allow admins to schedule and manage planned downtime or service maintenance.

  • Functionality: Admins can configure a maintenance schedule, notifying users of any planned downtime in advance. This ensures that services are temporarily taken offline without causing disruptions to users. Admins can also monitor and update the maintenance status as the event progresses.

My Organization Settings:

This section allows administrators to configure organizational settings, including language, branding, email communication, security policies, and staff management.


  • Purpose: Set the default language for the admin portal and user interface.

  • Functionality: Admins can select the preferred language for the portal, allowing users and staff to operate the system in the language that suits them best.

Date & Time Format:

  • Purpose: Configure the format for displaying dates and times in the portal.

  • Functionality: Admins can select the appropriate date and time format, ensuring consistency across the platform (e.g., DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY).

Theme Settings:

  • Purpose: Customize the look and feel of the portal to match the organization’s branding.

  • Functionality: Admins can change colors, logos, and layouts to reflect the organization’s design requirements, making the portal more user-friendly and aesthetically aligned with the brand.

Organization Details:

  • Purpose: Manage the basic details of the organization, such as company name, contact info, address, and more.

  • Functionality: Admins can update the organization’s profile, ensuring that all communication reflects accurate and current details.

Email Configuration:

  • Purpose: Configure the system’s email settings for sending notifications and communications.

  • Functionality: Admins can set up the SMTP server for outgoing emails, ensuring that the system can send notifications such as billing alerts, instance creation updates, or security warnings.

Email Template:

  • Purpose: Customize the content and format of system-generated emails.

  • Functionality: Admins can design and modify email templates for various automated messages, such as user signup confirmations, password resets, and invoice emails.

Quota Settings:

  • Purpose: Define resource quotas for customers, limiting their access to cloud resources.

  • Functionality: Admins can assign specific resource limits (compute, storage, bandwidth) to users or organizations, ensuring optimal resource allocation and preventing over-consumption.

Admin Staffs:

  • Purpose: Manage the list of administrators and assign roles.

  • Functionality: Admins can add new staff members, assign them roles (with varying access levels), and remove them when needed.


  • Purpose: Configure and manage the image sliders shown on the portal's landing page.

  • Functionality: Admins can add, edit, or remove image sliders, which are typically used to display promotional content, announcements, or news updates on the platform.

KYC Configuration:

  • Purpose: Configure Know Your Customer (KYC) verification requirements.

  • Functionality: Admins can set rules and policies for identity verification (KYC) when new users sign up, ensuring regulatory compliance before providing access to cloud services.


  • Purpose: Configure security settings to protect the platform and user data.

  • Functionality: Admins can configure password policies, enable Captcha, and set login attempt limits to maintain a secure platform.

Custom Field Configuration:

  • Purpose: Create custom fields for users, invoices, or other records.

  • Functionality: Admins can add custom fields to collect additional information during user registration, billing, or cloud resource management, ensuring that all necessary data is captured.

Theme Editor:

  • Purpose: Advanced customization of the portal's theme.

  • Functionality: Admins can use the theme editor to directly modify CSS and other design elements, giving them control over the appearance of the platform.

Notification Settings:

This section manages system notifications for important events, such as instance creation, deletion, and user signups.

Instance Create & Deletion:

  • Purpose: Configure notifications when a new cloud instance (virtual machine) is created or deleted.

  • Functionality: Admins can enable notifications to inform users about the creation or deletion of their instances in real-time. This ensures that users are aware of any changes to their resources.

User Sign-up:

  • Purpose: Notify the admin team or users about new signups on the platform.

  • Functionality: Admins can configure the platform to send notifications whenever a new user signs up, allowing for quick onboarding or user verification.