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Maintenance Event

Maintenance Event

A Maintenance Event allows administrators to plan, manage, and communicate scheduled maintenance activities for technical objects. It acts as a framework for organizing multiple maintenance tasks to ensure smooth operations during a predefined maintenance window. This feature also enables administrators to notify clients about upcoming maintenance to minimize disruptions.

Add Maintenance Event

1. Navigation to Maintenance Event :

  • Login into the admin portal.

  • Navigate to the Config section by clicking on the Config icon in the portal menu.

  • Click on the Maintenance Event to create new events.

2. Creating an Event :

  • Click on the Add event button, and Fill in the required fields to set up the maintenance event.
  • Event Category: Enter the type or category of the maintenance activity (e.g., System Update, Database Maintenance, etc.).

  • Event Title: Provide a concise title that describes the maintenance activity (e.g., "Database Optimization for Region A").

  • Date Range: Select the starting and ending date of the maintenance.

  • Time Range: Select the starting and ending time of the maintenance.

  • Email Type: There are two types of email are available. They are: MAIL_IMMEDIATELY and MAIL_DAY_BEFORE.

    • MAIL_IMMEDIATELY - Sends an email alert to clients immediately upon scheduling the event.

    • MAIL_DAY_BEFORE: Sends an email alert to clients one day before the scheduled maintenance starts.

  • After entering the details, click the Add button.

  • A confirmation message will appear, such as "Maintenance Event successfully added."

Edit Maintenance Event

The Edit Maintenance Event feature allows administrators to modify the details of an existing maintenance event. This ensures flexibility in updating event schedules, categories, or other configurations to address changes or new requirements. Follow the steps below to update a maintenance event effectively.

1. Navigation to Maintenance Event :

  • Login into the admin portal.

  • Navigate to the Config section by clicking on the Config icon in the portal menu.

  • Click on the Maintenance Event tab.

2. Locate the Maintenance Event :

  • You will see a list of previously added maintenance events.

  • Browse the list or use the search functionality to find the maintenance event you wish to edit.

3. Edit the Event :

  • Next to the specific event, click on the Edit button under action menu.

4. Update and save Event Details :

  • Modify the required fields.

  • After making the necessary updates, click the Update button to save your changes.

  • Once the updates are saved, a confirmation message will appear, such as: "Maintenance Event successfully updated."

Delete Maintenance Event

The Delete Maintenance Event feature allows administrators to remove maintenance events that are no longer required or were added incorrectly. This ensures the portal is kept clean and relevant by removing outdated or unnecessary maintenance records. Follow the steps below to delete a maintenance event in the admin portal.

1. Navigation to Maintenance Event :

  • Login into the admin portal.

  • Navigate to the Config section by clicking on the Config icon in the portal menu.

  • Click on the Maintenance Event tab.

2. Locate the Maintenance Event :

  • You will see a list of previously added maintenance events.

  • Browse the list or use the search functionality to find the maintenance event you wish to delete.

3. Delete the Event :

  • Next to the specific event, click on the Delete button under action menu.

4. Confirm Deletion :

  • A confirmation prompt will appear asking you to confirm your action.
  • To proceed, click the OK button.

  • After confirming, the selected maintenance event will be permanently deleted from the system.

  • A success message, such as: "Maintenance Event successfully deleted," will appear, indicating that the process is complete.