Custom Field Configuration
Custom Field Configuration
The Custom Field Configuration feature allows administrators to extend the functionality of forms by adding additional fields to capture specific information not covered by standard fields. Custom fields can be tailored for various use cases and applied to both admin and user portals. Below is a detailed explanation of how to configure, edit, and manage custom fields within the admin portal.
1. Navigation to Custom Field Configuration Feature:
Login into the admin portal.
Navigate to the Config section by clicking on the Config icon in the portal menu.
Under My Organization section, click on the Custom Field Configuration link.
2. Adding a Custom Field:
Add new custom fields to collect specific information from users or organizations.
Screen Name: Select the page from the dropdown menu where the custom field will appear (e.g., User Profile, Organization Details).
Label Name: This is the text displayed beside the custom field to guide users on what information to enter.
Example: If the field is for "Date of Birth," the label can simply say "DOB."
Field Name: The internal identifier for the custom field, used for backend referencing.
Example: For a DOB field, the field name could be
Field Type: Currently there are three types of fields are available. They are: Text, Number & Textarea . Select the desire type from the drop-down list.
Applicable Page: Specify where the field will be displayed (e.g., User Profile, Organization Details).
Organization Name: Select the organization where the custom field will be visible. You can choose from the list of available organizations.
Profile Type: Define if the custom field is applicable Only for individual user profile (or) Only for organizational profiles (or) applies to both individual and organizational profiles.
State is Required: Specify if this field is mandatory or optional. If required, the user cannot proceed without filling in the field.
3. Save the changes :
- After entering the details, click the Add button.

- A success message will appear "New custom field successfully created."

4. Editing a Custom Field :
Navigate to Admin Portal > Config > My Organization > Custom Field Configuration
From the list of existing custom fields, choose the one you want to edit.
Click the Edit button and make changes to the required fields.

- After making the updates, click the Update button.

- A success message will appear "Selected custom field successfully updated."

4. Deleting a Custom Field
Navigate to Admin Portal > Config > My Organization > Custom Field Configuration
Choose the field you want to delete from the list.
Click the Delete button and confirm the action.

- A success message will appear "Selected custom field deleted successfully."

5. Effect in Admin Portal Organization Screen :
Navigate to Admin Portal > Config > My Organization > Organization Details
Select the relevant organization and click Edit.
Custom fields will appear here for editing or viewing organization-specific information.

5. Effect in Admin Portal Profile Type :
Navigate to Admin Portal > Config > My Organization > Organization Details
Custom fields will appear here for editing or viewing profile-specific information.

6. Effect in User Portal :
- Navigate to User portal > Company > My Profile

- Users will see the custom fields configured by the admin under their profile details.