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Email Configuration

Email Configuration

The Email Configuration settings in the admin portal enable administrators to set up email functionality for sending and receiving email notifications across the system. This ensures seamless communication for both admin and user portals by configuring key parameters like the email server, sender details, and more.

1. Navigation to Email Configuration Feature :

  • Login into the admin portal.

  • Navigate to the Config section by clicking on the Config icon in the portal menu.

  • Under My Organization section, click on the Email Configuration link.

2. Configure the Email Settings :

  • Fill out the following fields to configure the email settings:
    • Enable SSL: Use the toggle button to enable or disable SSL (Secure Socket Layer) for secure email transmission. Enabling SSL ensures encrypted communication between the email server and the application.

    • Username: Enter the email address or username that will be used to authenticate with the email server.

    • Password: Enter the password associated with the email address for authentication.

    • Email Server Host Name: Specify the hostname or IP address of the email server (e.g., for Gmail servers).

    • Port Number: Enter the port number required for email communication. Commonly used ports: 465 (for SSL), 587 (for TLS), or 25 (for non-secure connections).

    • From Address: Enter the email address that will appear as the sender’s address in outgoing emails.

    • Sender Name: Specify the name that will be displayed as the sender in outgoing emails (e.g., Admin Support).

    • Application URL for Admin: Provide the URL of the admin portal. This will be used in system-generated emails for redirecting recipients to the admin portal.

    • Application URL for User: Provide the URL of the user portal. This will be included in email notifications meant for users.

    • Application Logo URL: Specify the URL where the application logo is hosted. This logo will be displayed in email templates.

    • Email Type: Email transmission methods come in two types. They are Transport and Java Mail Sender. The default configuration will be Java Mail sender.

3. Test the Configuration :

  • Before finalizing the setup you can test the email configuration.

  • Enter a valid email address in the "Test Email" field.

  • Click the Send Email button.

  • Check the specified email inbox for a test message. If received successfully, it confirms that the configuration is correct.

4. Save the changes :

  • Click the Update button to save the email configuration.
  • Once saved, a message will display "Email configuration updated successfully."