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The Sliders settings allow administrators to customize and configure slider images on the login page. These sliders help enhance the user experience by displaying engaging visuals, logos, or key messages. The configuration includes adding, editing, and deleting slider images.

1. Navigation to Sliders Feature :

  • Login into the admin portal.

  • Navigate to the Config section by clicking on the Config icon in the portal menu.

  • Under My Organization section, click on the Sliders Configure link.

2. Configure Slider :

  • Click the Add Sliders button to open the slider creation form
  • Provide the required details for the slider:

    • Select Page Type: Choose the page where the slider should appear. Currently, this feature is available only for the login page.

    • Interval (Milliseconds): Set the duration (in milliseconds) for how long each slider should appear before transitioning to the next. For example, 5000 milliseconds equals 5 seconds.

    • Logo: Upload the logo image to be displayed as part of the slider.

    • Banner Image: Upload the main banner image that will appear in the slider section.

3. Save the changes :

  • After entering all the details, click the Add button to save the new slider.
  • A success message will appear "New slider added successfully."

4. Edit an Existing Slider :

  • Navigate to Admin portal > Config > My Organization > Sliders

  • From the list of existing sliders, locate the one you wish to edit.

  • Click the Edit button next to the slider under Action menu.

  • Modify the required fields such as Page Type, Interval (Milliseconds), Logo & Banner Image

  • Once updates are made, click the Update button to save the changes.

  • A success message will appear "Selected Slider updated successfully."

5. Delete a Slider :

  • Navigate to Admin portal > Config > My Organization > Sliders

  • From the list of existing sliders, locate the one you wish to edit.

  • Click the Delete button next to the slider under Action menu.

  • A confirmation dialog will appear. Click Delete to confirm the removal.
  • A success message will appear "Selected Slider deleted successfully."