Theme Colors
Theme Colors
The Theme Colors settings in the admin portal allow administrators to customize the appearance of the user portal by updating the theme colors, specifically focusing on the sidebar menu. This feature provides the ability to enhance branding, improve the user experience, and ensure consistency with an organization’s design guidelines. The theme editor also allows for drafts and global publishing, making it a flexible tool for managing visual updates.
1. Navigation to Theme Colors Feature :
Login into the admin portal.
Navigate to the Config section by clicking on the Config icon in the portal menu.
Under My Organization section, click on the Theme Colors Configuration link.

2. Update Sidebar Theme Colors :
- Use the Theme Editor to customize the color scheme for the sidebar menu in the user portal.
3. Save the changes :
Admins have two options for saving changes
Save Draft: Saves the theme changes locally. Changes will not be visible to users yet. Allows admins to preview and refine the theme before finalizing.
Save & Publish: Saves the theme changes and applies them globally. All users will see the updated theme immediately after logging into their portals.

4. Effect in User Portal :
- Once the theme is published, users logging into their portals will immediately notice the updates in the sidebar menu's theme colors.

- These changes can include updates to background color, text color, hover effects, or other style elements of the sidebar.