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Theme Settings

Theme Settings

The Theme Settings in the admin portal allow administrators to customize the appearance, branding, and informational content for both the Admin Portal and the User CMP Portal. These settings enable an organization to create a visually appealing and informative interface that reflects its brand identity while enhancing the user experience.

1. Navigation to Theme Feature :

  • Login into the admin portal.

  • Navigate to the Config section by clicking on the Config icon in the portal menu.

  • Under My Organization section, click on the Theme Settings Configuration link.

2. Configure Theme Settings :

  • Below are the options you can configure in the Theme Settings:

    • Select the Default Language: Choose the primary language for both the admin and user portals. This determines the language displayed across the system.

    • Add the Page Title: Enter a page title for your portal. The title will appear on the browser tab when users visit the portal.

    • Optional: Add Header Link(s): Add links to key pages or resources in the Header Section of the portal. You need to specify Header Name (e.g., Support), Display Name (e.g., Help Center), Header URL (e.g., /help-center). Additionally, we have the option to choose whether to display the URL before or after the login.

    • Optional: Add Footer Link(s): Add links to pages or resources in the Footer Section of the portal (e.g., Privacy Policy, Terms of Service). You need to specify Footer Name (e.g., Privacy Policy),Footer URL (e.g., /privacy-policy).

    • Optional: Add Offer Text: Add promotional or offer text that appears on the home page to engage users. Example: "Limited Time Offer: 20% off for new users!"

  • Optional: Upload Logo (Before and After Images): Upload two versions of your organization’s logo Logo (Before and After Images).

  • Optional: Upload Favicon Image: Upload a small image (typically 16x16 or 32x32 pixels) that will appear on the browser tab next to the page title.

  • Optional: Add Footer Content: Customize the footer text or content displayed at the bottom of the portal (e.g., "© 2024 Company Name. All rights reserved.").

  • Optional: Add the Maintenance Message: - Enter a message to notify users about scheduled maintenance. Example: "Our system will undergo maintenance on [date] from [time]. We apologize for any inconvenience."

  • Optional: Select Broadcast Maintenance Message: Enable this option to send a notification or banner about maintenance to all users in real time.

3. Save the Settings :

  • After making the necessary changes, click the Update button to save the configuration.
  • A success message will appear: "Theme settings updated successfully."

4. Effect in User Portal :

  • When users access the CMP portal URL, they will see the Page Title along with the uploaded Favicon on the browser tab.

  • The configured links (e.g., "Support," "Contact") will appear at the top of the home page for easy navigation.

  • Footer links and the customized footer content will appear at the bottom of the portal.
  • Promotional or informational text will be displayed prominently to engage users.

  • Scheduled maintenance messages will be shown as banners or pop-ups, depending on the configuration.