License Overview
License Manager is designed to help organizations efficiently manage and track the usage of software licenses across various applications and users. It ensures that software licenses are properly allocated, used in compliance with licensing agreements, and helps avoid overuse or under-utilization of licenses. Additionally, it can automate license renewals, provide detailed reports on license usage, and ensure cost-effective software management by optimizing the number of licenses needed, reducing the risk of legal penalties for non-compliance, and managing license expiration's.
License Types
Client can access the billing module and begin a new signup. Once the signup is complete, he can view all three versions of the license. Purchase any of the licenses to deploy applications.
We will give three types of licenses for application deployment. They are:
- Free Edition
- Standard Edition
- Enterprise Edition
We will give a free license for application deployment with instance restrictions. Under this free version, the client will be limited to managing 25 instances and 1 zone.
We will give a standard license for application deployment with host restriction, allowing the client to enter the number of hosts and purchase the standard license. The billing system will charge based on the number of hosts.
We will offer enterprise editions for application deployment. There are no resource constraints here, thus it will be considered an infinite package.
License Key Configuration
Upon successfully completing the environment configuration, you will receive the link for the initial setup wizard. Kindly adhere to the steps listed below to set up your environment's license.
Enter the basic client information, such as the email address, currency, and default language.
After entering the license key, press the "Validate" button. Your license details will be updated in the license manager as soon as the validation is successful.

Updating License Key
- Click the update license key button, enter your new license, and then click the update button to update the new licensing key for your environment.