In this section displays the portal's "Manage Product Offerings" and "Add Other Offerings" sections, each with a list of categories under it. An explanation of the item is provided below:
Manage Product Offerings:
- Offering Category:
- This option allows you to set up the product offering categories. Categories help organize and classify different product offerings.
- Compute / Instance Offerings:
- Configure pricing for compute resources, including virtual machines and cloud instances. You can set up both fixed and customizable plans.
- Storage Offerings:
- Add and manage pricing for various cloud storage solutions such as block storage, object storage, etc.
- Network Offerings:
- Set up pricing for network services like Layer 2 (L2), shared, and isolated networks to facilitate communication across cloud resources.
- VPC Offerings:
- Configure Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) pricing, allowing you to define and manage network settings and pricing within a VPC environment.
- Additional Service:
- Set up pricing for auxiliary or additional services related to the VPC or other infrastructure offerings.
Add Other Offerings:
- Other Offerings:
- Set pricing for miscellaneous items such as IP addresses, bandwidth, load balancers, operating system templates, and more.
- Apply Latest Cost:
- This option allows you to apply the most recent cost updates for all your billing resources, ensuring pricing is up-to-date across services.