Usage Summary Report
The Usage Summary Report provides an aggregated view of the resources used by customers within a specified time frame. This report can be generated for all clients or specific clients based on their email addresses.
Steps to Access Usage Summary Report
Login into the admin portal.
Navigate to the Reports section by clicking on the Reports icon in the portal menu.
Select the Usage Summary Report link to generate usage based report.

Steps to Generate the Usage Summary Report
1. Navigation :
- Go to Reports > Usage Summary Report > Usage Summary.
2. Select the client :
Choose the desired client’s email from the drop-down list. You can either:
Select All Clients to view a report for all clients.
Select a specific client’s email address for an individual report.
3. Set the Date Range :
Choose the From Date to specify the start of the reporting period.
Choose the To Date to specify the end of the reporting period.
4. Generate the Report :
- Click the Generate button to create the report.
5. Download the Report :
- After the report is generated, it can be downloaded in either PDF or XLSX format for further analysis or record-keeping.

Steps to Generate the Detailed Usage Report
The Detailed Usage Report provides a more granular breakdown of the resource usage for each client. It displays resource utilization on a day-to-day basis or resource-level details, allowing administrators to dive deeper into the specifics of a customer’s usage.
1. Navigation :
- Go to Reports > Usage Summary Report > Detailed Usage.
2. Select the Client :
Choose a client’s email from the dropdown list. Like the summary report, you can:
- Select All Clients to generate a report for all customers.
- Select a specific client’s email to generate a detailed report for one customer.
3. Set the Date Range :
- Choose the From Date and To Date to specify the reporting period.
4. Generate the Report :
- Click the Generate button to create the detailed report.
5. Download the Report :
- Once the report is generated, download it in either PDF or XLSX format.