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Usage Summary Report


The Usage Summary Report provides an aggregated view of the resources used by customers within a specified time frame. This report can be generated for all clients or specific clients based on their email addresses.

Steps to Access Usage Summary Report

  • Login into the admin portal.

  • Navigate to the Reports section by clicking on the Reports icon in the portal menu.

  • Select the Usage Summary Report link to generate usage based report.

Steps to Generate the Usage Summary Report

1. Navigation :

  • Go to Reports > Usage Summary Report > Usage Summary.

2. Select the client :

  • Choose the desired client’s email from the drop-down list. You can either:

    • Select All Clients to view a report for all clients.

    • Select a specific client’s email address for an individual report.

3. Set the Date Range :

  • Choose the From Date to specify the start of the reporting period.

  • Choose the To Date to specify the end of the reporting period.

4. Generate the Report :

  • Click the Generate button to create the report.

5. Download the Report :

  • After the report is generated, it can be downloaded in either PDF or XLSX format for further analysis or record-keeping.

Steps to Generate the Detailed Usage Report

The Detailed Usage Report provides a more granular breakdown of the resource usage for each client. It displays resource utilization on a day-to-day basis or resource-level details, allowing administrators to dive deeper into the specifics of a customer’s usage.

1. Navigation :

  • Go to Reports > Usage Summary Report > Detailed Usage.

2. Select the Client :

  • Choose a client’s email from the dropdown list. Like the summary report, you can:

    • Select All Clients to generate a report for all customers.
    • Select a specific client’s email to generate a detailed report for one customer.

3. Set the Date Range :

  • Choose the From Date and To Date to specify the reporting period.

4. Generate the Report :

  • Click the Generate button to create the detailed report.

5. Download the Report :

  • Once the report is generated, download it in either PDF or XLSX format.